
Kenya LISTEN Overview

Kenya has 48 governments which include the national government and 47 county governments. While the national government provides policy and guidelines for health, the function is devolved to the counties who are mandated to; to design innovative models and interventions that suit the unique health sector needs in their contexts; determine their health system and citizen priorities and make autonomous and quick decisions on resource mobilisation, subsector resource allocation and spending, and management of arising issues.

LISTEN process used high level engagement to win the buy-in by decision makers at the national and the county level who included; Ministry of Health, Council of Governors, Governors, County governments, communities and implementing partners.
The overall objective of the process is to increase the uptake of HIV prevention and treatment services by optimizing Community of Practice (CP) platforms that place communities at the center of the HIV response. The specific objectives include:

      1. To empower the CPs to identify key challenges within the community and develop collective solutions and use LISTEN as a platform for community engagement;
      2. To strengthen capacity and facilitate implementation of the community led solutions through leadership, collection action of the CPs and strengthening linkages with other institutions and resources, specifically to generate demand for HIV prevention interventions and leverage on LISTEN platforms to introduce new technologies and;
      3. To advocate with policy makers to create an enabling environment to implement community driven solutions for HIV prevention, treatment and support.

The implementation of LISTEN has seen empowering of the communities of practice which are now used as a platform for community engagement in the coordination and implementation of both health and non-health services. By leveraging on the existing structures and local resources, there is improved access to services including the underserved populations and ownership of the HIV programme for sustainability.

The Ministry of Health has put in place plans to scale up the LISTEN process in all the 47 counties to promote ownership and a community led response to HIV, Teenage, Pregnancy, Sexual Gender Based Violence and other related co-morbidities.

Kenya communities of practice