
Kenya Communities of Practice

Boda Boda CP is made up of motorcycle riders. It is majorly a group of men in their youthful years. Their big numbers and close interactions with AGYW justify their inclusion in LISTEN as a CP. Additionally, the boda Boda have very well-organized structures which......

Fisherfolk CP is made up of fishermen and women. Its majorly comprises young old men and women who generally earn a living through fishing activities along the shores of Lake Victoria. However, we have youth who are also getting engaged in the economic activity. The......

Boda Boda CP is made up of motorcycle riders. It is majorly a group of men in their youthful years. Their big numbers and close interactions with AGYW justifies their inclusion in LISTEN as a CP. Boda Boda have very well and  organized structures from......

Maisha Youth is a national youth movement whose mission is to promote health, well-being, and social economic development of every adolescent and young person. The group members are AYPs from the Sub counties. The Maisha Youth are mandated to social mobilize for HIV prevention among......

Male Champions are select men from the community trained by the NACC to support in health education and distribution of HIV prevention commodities. The Male champions are an active group of volunteers. The eligibility criteria for the champions included their capacity to mobilize other men......

The Kiambu County LISTEN Coordinators is a CP made up of 12 members each in-charge of a sub county. The members are accomplished and multifaceted Healthcare programs coordinators. They have extensive experience in HIV and AIDS programs coordination, training and advocacy. The CP members are......

The Teenage mothers CP is made up of young mothers in their teen years. The members are majorly from low social economic status background. The objectives of this CP are; be champions in advocating against SGBV and teenage pregnancies among their peers; promote education and......

(Youth Advisory Champions for Health), is an adolescent and youth program that aims at HIV prevention, formally known as YAC- Youth Advisory Council. It was formed to increase youth involvement in matters concerning them, “nothing is about us without us”. The first batch of champions......